Virtual Assistants Voice Awards 2020 (VAVAs) – voting in progress

The UK VA Conference 2020 will host the second year of “The VAVAs” – the popular Virtual Assistant Voice Awards on 26th February 2020.

Voting commences on 1st January 2020 and will continue until Midday 26th February 2020, with announcements at the UK VA Awards session later in the afternoon session on Wednesday 26th February.

Details of categories and nominees have been released on 1st January 2020, and includes:

Best VA Training Providers
Best Books for VAs
Best Social Media Platforms for VAs 
Best Accounting Software for VAs
Best On-line Apps and Tools for VAs

Here is the link – Virtual Assistant Voice Awards 2020 – cast your votes here.

About The Author


WORKSMARTPA – NEW IDEAS, NEW FRONTIERS The year 2021 sees our business celebrate 21 years of - a community supporting office professionals since our very first newsletter way back in May 2000. As we look forward to greet a new world of change beyond the pandemic, we are extremely excited to announce a new brand; a new look; and some new directions for our much loved, long-standing web site and communities to explore. It is time for change. To better reflect now what we do best for you, we have a new brand, web site and activities – a new name and web site that will be full of new ideas for a new business age and new working trends as we all seek to grow, expand and explore new frontiers.

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