Ten traits that successful Entrepreneurs have

Ten traits that successful Entrepreneurs have

In recognition of Global Entrepreneurship Week on 8th – 12th November, which is celebrated in around 180 countries around the world, neuroscientist, business psychologist and recalibration specialist, Dr Lynda Shaw, identifies the ten traits successful entrepreneurs are likely to have.

  • Innovative. Being creative, knowing how to stand out and being ahead of the game is key to running a successful business, but seeking out ways to challenge conventional thought and embracing feelings of discomfort often produces some of the best outcomes in innovation.
  • Having an energetic mindset enhances productivity, creativity and focus and is also fantastically infectious. Lighting up a room and exuding positive energy either sets the benchmark for others to match or helps them glow with enthusiasm and zest.
  • Motivator. Successful entrepreneurs love to inspire and empower others and are good at delegation, both so they can spend their own time where it is most needed and allow others the space and chance to succeed. Entrepreneurs love to be amongst other entrepreneurs.
  • Risk-taker. High risks reap higher rewards, so by stepping out of the binding psychological, emotional and behavioural constructs of their comfort zones, entrepreneurs don’t play safe and take a leap of faith.
  • Being resilient means reconceptualising negative events as opportunities to learn. Resilience is sticking it out when the going gets tough and facing challenges head on and recovering well. Taking risks doesn’t always work, but successful entrepreneurs simply get up again, wipe themselves down, learn and try again with included improvements.
  • Being able to make decisions quickly but rationally is important. Problems get resolved quickly, projects are initiated sooner, and response times that are prompt please consumers. Decisive entrepreneurs also garner more respect from staff for their strong leadership.
  • Being intuitive and trusting gut instinct allows entrepreneurs to better understand others and helps them make big decisions. Intuitive entrepreneurs have the ability to interpret and infer in ways which may not always be apparent to others. They trust the power of their inner voice, their gut feelings.
  • Passion enables entrepreneurs to persevere through tough times and drives their performance and creativity. After all, if they are not passionate about their own business, how can they expect others to get behind their vision.
  • Strong people skills. Being a good listener and communicator, patient and empathetic are all strong people skills that every successful entrepreneur has. They take an interest in their colleagues and want to truly understand the needs of their customers or clients and learn from feedback.
  • Strong sense of self. Self-confidence and self-awareness mean having a realistic grasp of your own skills and abilities and understanding which qualities you may be lacking and to bring in experts to deal with those areas. A strong sense of self also goes hand in hand with having a solid set of values so entrepreneurs can stay true to themselves and their brand.

Article Author: Dr Lynda Shaw, neuroscientist, business psychologist and change specialist

– web site link: www.drlyndashaw.com

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